Johnson urges DeSantis to focus on solutions to nation’s debt and inflation crisis
Troy, MI – Perry Johnson, Republican presidential candidate and third place finisher in CPAC’s straw poll, welcomed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to the presidential race following his formal announcement on Wednesday.
Johnson said, “I welcome Ron DeSantis to the presidential race as he finally joins the campaign after choosing Tokyo, Japan over the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition’s event in Iowa. I urge him to focus his efforts on solutions to resolve our nation’s debt and inflation crisis, as I am still the only candidate for President with a concrete plan to solve the problem. I spent my career bringing quality and efficiency to companies and now it is time to do the same for the federal government with my Two-Cents Plan to Save America.”
Perry Johnson returned last Friday from traveling Iowa on his ‘Fire Biden’ bus tour, visiting more than eighteen counties to share his Two-Cents Plan to Save America with Iowa caucus-goers. Johnson has largely campaigned on an economic platform which has resonated with Iowans on the campaign trail. His Two-Cents Plan would slash federal discretionary spending by two percent annually, rescuing the American economy from Joe Biden’s debt and inflation crisis.
Johnson has been campaigning across Iowa and New Hampshire regularly since he first announced his campaign for president in March.